Monday, April 18, 2011

Rio gives the box-office a boost

'Rio' finished its opening weekend with a stuning $40 million. This comes at a perfect timeing as Holloywood experienced a slump in sales for the past couple of weeks.

Not only was 'Rio' number one this week, its also the biggest opening weekend of the year so far. Hollywood hasn't had such a successesful opening since 'Toy Story 3.' Needless to say, the movie surpassed everyones expectations.

However, I want to point out that just because a movie does well at the box office, does not mean it is actually good. I think 'Transformers 2' is the perfect example. According to the critics reviews on Yahoo!, 'Rio' is not that great, with an average score of C+. Users gave the movie a A-, so it is pretty much up to you to decide if the move is good or it just stinks.

Heres a preview to help you decide.

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