Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where would you put your Oscar?

So I stumbled on this article on Yahoo! about where the stars put their niffty Oscar awards. I reccomend you check it out and ask your self, what would you do with the prized award.

What about a bullet-prof case in Sue Sulvester style? A cheerleading national championchip may not be as public as the Oscar, so the actor should take special care to protect thier prize from an attempted assacination.

I don't really see the appeal of placing your Oscar in the bathroom, no matter how much it matches your facet... I think actors just like to be weird. Saying that your Oscar is in your office, isn't as cool or 'hip' as saying you want to melt it down to make a doornob.

Let me know what you think, where would you like your Oscar?

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