Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Paranormal Activity" update

So back in October I made a post about this cool movie called "Paranormal Activity." I talked about how after an online 'election' the movie was going to have a nationwide release.

Well I'm sure that a month later, you have heard of the movie or even watched it for yourself. After all it has made over $60,000,000 at the box office, so someone has watched it!

Four weeks after it's wide release the movie sits at number five at the box office in front of newly released "The Box" with Cameron Diaz. This just blows my mind considering the movie's low, almost nonexistent budget.

I'm curious about why the movie is doing so well. It does not have a big budget, nor does it have big actors, or director. So if I want to make a movie as big as this one, what do I need?

Can the success of the movie be based on good word of mouth, or maybe the fact that you could vote to see it in your city? Some outside factor has to be involved here because lets face it, this movie doesn't exactly look like a $60,000,000 movie.

Please let me know what you think. Why is "Paranormal Activity" raking in the cash?

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