Monday, March 7, 2011

Miss Watson drops out but vows to return

Emma Watson dropped out of Brown this week claiming that she it just too busy with her acting career. Here is her statement from her website:

Hi everyone

As you know, I love Brown and I love studying pretty much more than anything but recently I've had so much to juggle that being a student AND fulfilling my other commitments has become a little impossible.

I've decided to take a bit of time off to completely finish my work on Harry Potter (the last one comes out this summer) and to focus on my other professional and acting projects. I will still be working towards my degree... it’s just going to take me a semester or two longer than I thought : )

Hope you are all well! Thank you for all your continuing support.

I guess even movie stars get stressed out by college. I hope people take this as a reminder of how challenging college really is. So many people (I'm talking to you mom and dad) underestimate the work students put into their academic career. Sure we have fun, but most of us are truly dedicated to our course work.

I wish Miss Watson the very best and she better make her way back to school as soon as her work allows.

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